All over Facebook yesterday (I don't have TV or get the paper and I listen to classical music radio so I am mainly informed of social/news related/sports related issues via FB - that is another post entirely) I saw references to it being the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. I saw posts of statistics on how many children are being murdered each year. There were articles about when life actually begins. Articles about the doctors who perform abortions. Posts about being a woman and our rights!
I am pro life. I am a single issue voter. I think abortion is wrong. I think the second there is a beating heart - life has been granted by it's Creator and that said Creator is the only One with the 'right' to take aforementioned life. That isn't what this blog is about. I am not writing so people confront me on a woman's right to choose or what if they were raped or for the health of the mother or for disabilities of the child. I did not write this for the 'narrow minded' label to be slapped upon my back, it wouldn't be the first nor, I suspect, will it be the last. I didn't write this so people could question me about all the bad principles of the republican party. I am writing this because I find there is a deafening silence of compassion for the mother.
I heavily debated about writing this post for all the reasons I stated in the previous paragraph, until I came across a comment from someone regarding....of course abortion and the mother. The comment was 'Oh, they were inconvenient. Got in the way of the party lifestyle, nome sayin'? I was crushed and saddened greatly. My first reaction was confusion. How could someone say something so awful? Was he/she trying to be abrasively 'funny'? Did he/she want to be part of the 'good ol' boys club', if you will? Regardless of the reasons for the statement, the statement itself had to be exposed as well as the lack of compassion behind it being said. Sidebar: I don't mean to enrage anyone by sharing that comment. I hope anyone reading will pray for this person's heart, and the many similar attitudes expressed dozens of people and pray one day people will understand that except by the grace of God, there go I!
When a baby is aborted their life is over. They, I believe, are immediately in the arms of Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of God. I have babies in that same place. My heart wishes that 'we', the people who call themselves pro-life, would care for the sanctity of life YES!, but just as much - or even more, care for the mothers making these decisions. Many of these women, and I use the word women here loosely in this sentence because they aren't even old enough to drive or vote, who receive abortions are there by force (a parent or a boyfriend), some of these women are completely uneducated as to what is going on in their bodies. Some have been so overwhelmed by society that they believe having an abortion is about as damaging the their emotional health as going through a drive through at McDonald's. Some have no means by which to rear a child, some have no family support to talk to and help decide, some can't mentally understand, some think it's the best for everyone.....but they still have the abortion and so now what?! These are wounded women. These are hurting women. These are lost women. These are CHRISTIAN women! How are we being the body of Christ to these lovely women that God has created in His image? How are we setting up success for people to say - Hey, I've had an abortion. Last I checked a sin was a sin was a sin in God's eyes. There aren't bigger ones and smaller ones. There are bigger consequences, indeed, but there aren't varying degrees. Gluttony is mentioned in the same breath as adultery.
So, my question for me and my question for you is, if someone came up to you and said, "I had an abortion", what would you feel in your heart? Pride? Disgust? Arrogance? Compassion? “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8.7