As a mom, one of my favorite things is to see my babies when they wake up from nap time. No matter what I am doing when I hear the door creak open or pitter patter of sleepy feet I always get excited to see their sweet faces. I can't think of one time where I didn't delight in seeing them or hearing them in their crib beckoning "come and get me" with either words or spit bubbles.
Here we are a few days ago when Jesse rose from his nap time. I was in the bathroom and I heard his bedroom door open.....then close.....then he went in to our bedroom to see if I was there, because what else is a boy to do besides search for his Momma as soon as he wakes. Next stop the bathroom where he finally reached his goal, me. So there he was all messy haired, sleepy eyed, puffy lipped, warm baby, pot bellied, diaper bottomed, arms raised baby boy.
At that moment I was blessed........a picture of a child with arms raised.....what a beautiful image burned into my brain as a child of God.
I leaned over and picked up that sweet little one and he gently rested his head on my shoulder and stuffed his arms down between his body and mine so he could stay cozy. I sat on the floor and rocked him and kissed him and told him I loved him and asked him if he had good sleeps. He sat there for a while soaking in my love for him then got up and ran off to play.
After he fled I stayed sitting on the floor thinking about God, my Father. Every morning when I wake up do I naturally wander around until I find my Father? Do I instinctively search for Him? Do I long for Him? Do I need to have my 'Father time' before I can feel ready to start my day? Then, once He is found, do I sit with Him and let Him love on me and encourage me and comfort me?
I love the Lord. And in His kindness He has allowed me to be a mother. And in that kindness time after time after time after time He uses my children to speak directly to me as His child. They act out my job as His child, and if I am paying attention I will hear His quiet voice saying 'my sweet girl, this is how you need to act towards Me'.
This time I was listening.....
Very sweet thoughts. Thanks.
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